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Top Five Tips for Solo Female Travelers Before Travelling to Egypt
A mosaic of ancient history, cultural adventure, and modern urbanity, Egypt is a lively and capital travel destination where you can feel the old, the new, and everything else.
While maneuvering through this Middle-Eastern marvel might become a bit overwhelming for women travelers at first, it’s imperative to get the cultural clues correct in order to reduce the hassle and potential problems.
As a solo female traveler, you should not only take safety into your own hands but also be prepared for the adventure. Here are the top safety tips for women traveling alone for their trip to Egypt:
1. Dress Conservatively: After all Modesty is the best Virtue in Egypt
Egypt is a very conservative country and the inhabitants are very traditional in their dress. So, it is recommended to dump your hot shorts and strappy tank tops that might draw negative attention from the crowd.
Women are expected to dress up modestly, covering shoulders, upper arms, chest, and legs by wearing loose-fitting, opaque T-shirts (with a sleeve that covers upper arms), long pants and long skirts.
P.S: A huge part of how you are treated when you’re strolling through the streets of Egypt depends on how you dress up. So, making that extra effort to cover up not only improves your impression of the local people but also gives off the message that you respect their culture, cutting short any negative, demeaning attention.

2. end up in a secure hotel: A Home aloof from Home
If traveling alone, it’s best to consider hotels that have security checks at all entrances and are generally deemed safe. In fact, the country is flooded with a number of safe, comfy, family-owned three-star hotels where the staff is not only warm and welcoming but also looks out for you, once they get to know you! They can become your home away from home.
Pro Tip: Always carry your hotel’s business card when you go sightseeing. It’s a quick and easy way to get home in case you’re lost in a warren of streets and your Arabic isn’t really good. Simply hand the car to any cab driver and you’ll be home safe in a flash.
3. Book native feminine Guides: the most effective thanks to Explore Egypt
While we have a tendency to appreciate your selection and daring attitude to travel the world on your own, it’s always a good idea to partner with a local female tour guide although Egypt is mainly a safe and welcoming country, it is recommended not to walk alone in certain places after sunset.
So, at such times, it’s better to be accompanied by a trusted local guide than to move alone. Plus, they can also give you some valuable insights into rich Egyptian history.
Pro Tip: Inquire at the front desk of your hotel or consult your travel agent on how to go about finding one. In fact, for very little money you can book a professional guide (and driver) who go through strict training and years of classes on Egyptology.
4. Transportation Secret for Women
If you are in two of the largest cities in Egypt: Cairo and Alexandria, you will be extremely happy to learn that both share a secret about women. While Alexandria boasts of its safe and sound streetcars, Cairo takes extreme pride in its wonderful ‘Metro’ which is not only safe and clean but is also incredibly cheap.
Because Egypt is an immensely Muslim country, the front car (or two) on each streetcar or train is reserved exclusively for women. It’s an amazing experience to mingle solely with the local women who will come up and talk to you, laughing shyly.
P.S: Women travelers can also ride in the “mixed” compartments as you will be greeted with flooding smiles and invariably be offered a seat.

5. Mark Your Territory: Be an Aware girl traveler
As a woman traveling solo in Egypt, it is always wise to research properly about the places you’ll be visiting and get an idea about what it’d be like to travel through them alone.
While the internet is undoubtedly the best place to get started for your research process, take out some time to visit government sites, travel blogs, and public forums to learn about the concerned places.
What’s more; it is strongly advisable to learn a few standard phrases of Arabic as it will not only help you break the ice but also sound more friendly to the locals.
Salam or Marhaba: Hello
Bettklam Engleezi? : Do you speak English?
Jameal: Beautiful
Ismi…: My name is…
Shukran: Thank you
Afwan: You are welcome (Reply to Shukran)
Pro tip: Learn the Arabic names of the tourist spots you plan to visit in advance. While Egyptians are known for being helpful and friendly, doing so will empower you to be more independent in your travel endeavors and help you avoid overly intrusive locals insisting on guiding you.
With the above measures taken properly, Egypt could turn out to be one of the safest destinations for female travelers. Also, you should always inform your partner spouse, or family members back home about your travel plans so they can rest assured of your safety and well-being.
With the above measures taken properly, Egypt could turn out to be one of the safest destinations for female travelers. Also, you should always inform your partner spouse, or family members back home about your travel plans so they can rest assured of your safety and well-being.