
10 Marvelous Facts You Didn’t Realize It About Ancient Egypt

ancient Egypt

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Welcome to the top 10 archives. If there is anything that was taught from mom about ancient Egypt is that you don’t want to play with their curses, there is a lot about the ancient civilization.

that would intrigue and delight us and we bring 10 of these wonderful facts to you in this edition of the 10 best archives, we will travel through the time of the great pyramids and pharaohs and learn a thing or two well actually ten information about ancient Egypt

Number Ten

the Great Pyramid of Giza is as large as possible, although each pyramid of Egypt is incredible in itself, the great pyramid of Giza is the largest in the world as long as you do not take into account the volume like the pyramid of Cholula in Mexico beats Giza in this regard by 1 million cubic meters Giza.

However, was built 230 meters or 755 feet long and 146 meters or 479 feet high as the final resting place for King Cheops, the massive structure took over 20 years to complete and it is estimated that it took two and a half minutes to set up each of the two million blocks of limestone.

the interior of the pyramid is composed of three burial chambers with only one in the center of the pyramid inhabited by King Khufu rests in the center of the pyramid accessible by a Great Gallery 8 meters or 26 feet high.

Number Nine

Egyptian mummification was an elaborate process thought to ensure a safe passage into the afterlife. The mummification process followed a very specific process first the body is transported to the EBU or where the body is purified with palm wine and Nile water.

all internal organs are removed using precise surgical methods and placed inside canopic jars designed after an Egyptian god with the organs removed, the body is dried and then covered with oils before being wrapped.

the wrapping process was quite involved with the arms, legs, fingers, and toes wrapped in the first amulets and scrolls drawn with spells from the Book of the Dead are placed on the body before the limbs are tied together and the body is fully wrapped finally the last layer of fabric is painted with the image of Osiris the god of the afterlife at this point the body is ready to be placed in his coffin about 70 days after the death of the deceased

ancient Egypt

Number Eight

The rights of Egyptian women compared to most ancient cultures, Egyptian women in ancient Egypt were among the best treated in history Ever.

where other cultures believed that women should serve the man, but the women of Ancient Egypt could own land and act of their own free will, women could enter into legal relations divorce manages their own finances, and participates in court proceedings as witnesses in court.

although non-royal women are still bound as mistresses of the house, the husband will not interfere instead, allowing him and trusting him to keep things in order, including the managing of servants

ancient Egypt

Number Seven

a thousand gods of each ship, like any culture through time, ancient Egypt had its own belief system which included a belief in life after death and the worship of a greater being than the Egyptians believed and worshiped more than 1000 gods.

although only a handful is popularly known today included in some of the lesser-known deities are tawa rath the goddess of hippos babi the god of wild baboons Nekhbet the goddess of vultures and better the god of dwarfs it is believed that many Egyptian gods were attributed to planets such as Thoth which carried many principles related to Mercury.

Number Six

a first death sentence in history the debate on capital punishment is a debate that has lasted long enough, but it does not seem that the ancient Egyptians ever questioned the first recorded death sentence that occurred in the 16th century BC.

Egypt the accused was a member of the nobility who was accused of doing magic because of the individual’s status in society, they were ordered to end their own lives rather than being on the edge of an ax like any non-noble man or woman sentenced to death.

Number Five

the many names of Egypt throughout its history Egypt was given many different names between 26:50 and 21:34 BC Egypt was known as Kemet or black earth, a reference to the soil rich and dark which made up the Nile Valley thanks to the expanse of rolling deserts.

he was also known as Deseret for the red earth, there was also a time when he was named for taw the god of craftsmen and architects under the name of what capita or house of the cow of pita after the Romans took control of the region after Mark Anthony’s Octavian defeat in 30 BC the province became known as a gift to us

Number Four

Egyptian belief on creation for ancient Egyptian mythology, there was no Big Bang theory and man did not evolve from primates as science believes today of the universe.

in one day and the six days that follow the progress of life followed day 2, the raw created the god of air and his wife Tevon earth the goddess of humidity Shu and Tefnut gave birth to Newt and Gab the goddess of heaven and the god of Earth.

what followed is something well suited to an episode of Jerry Springer as siblings Newt and Gabe married and designed Osiris Horus, the eldest Seth Isis, and Nephthys in the last three days man was created by Khanom in a potter’s wheel leading to the Egyptian belief that man is made of genome poor in clay is supposed to work constantly to create life

Number Three

Napoleon didn’t shoot the nose of the Sphinx during the French campaign in Egypt from 1798 to 1801 AD.

it was thought that Napoleon’s soldiers were responsible for the missing nose of the Great Sphinx, the myth spread like a trail of powder and was popular among those who visited the great structure.

but any good historian who did a little research would have found that the nose had disappeared long before Napoleon entered Egypt.

even before the occupation of Frances, the visitors to the Great Sphinx had mentioned the missing part in place of the ancient Arab scholar Alma, blaming the missing nose on Mohammed Sahib al dar after Soofi vandalized the structure in 1378 AD.

Number Two

Advanced medical practices One of the causes of death in ancient societies was a severe lack of medical know-how, but the ancient Egyptian doctors were far ahead of their time.

it is believed that Egyptian healers were the first to sew wounds. Some doctors even closed a personal suture kit they wore in a hollowed-out bird bone case, of course, much of their medical practice revolved around magic.

but Egyptian doctors also used herbal remedies and surgery to extend the life of the ancient Egyptians and were also known to provide prosthetics to those who needed them.

Number One

the first mummy is Osiris the mummification process is something for which the ancient Egyptians are widely known.

but where it all started legend has it that Osiris had been murdered by his brother Seth and his body thrown into the Nile in a coffin built especially for him Osiris his wife Isis.

ancient Egypt

sought the body of her husband finding it and hiding it in the swamps by discovering this dismembered whole while the corpse of Cyrus dispersed it with Isis finding everything except a piece in order to assemble the body.

she bandaged the parts together, turning Osiris into the first mummy in this form Osiris formed and spoke and traveled to the underworld where he would become king and judge of the dead

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