Egyptian Museum in Cairo The most important activities

Egyptian Museum

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Egyptian Museum in Cairo, The anniversary of the museum’s opening.

in Egypt 117 years ago was celebrated in late 2019.

first, the Egyptian Museum is considered one of the most important museums in the world.

It is considered the third museum in the world.

as it contains a collection of historical monuments.

An agreement was reached between the Egyptian government and the European Union.

For the restoration and development of the museum for a period of three years.

Two exhibitions were temporarily opened during the celebration.

First, the exhibition of archaeological caches. Second, education in ancient Egypt.

Tour to Museum
Tour to Museum

Egyptian Museum in Cairo and the Pharaonic monuments

What makes the Egyptian Museum so famous?

This museum contains historical pieces (160,000 – 200,000) relics.

These monuments are distinguished by the fact that

they display different eras of the Pharaoh’s civilization in ancient Egypt.

The Egyptian Museum was officially opened in November 1907.

Initially, this museum is considered one of the first museums to be built in the world specifically in the 19th century.

Construction work on the Egyptian Museum began in 1897, by French engineer Marcel Dornon.

The museum contains a large number of pharaonic relics of the pre-writing era.

For example, pottery, pots, and simple decorations.

There are also many holdings,

of the first and second pharaonic beds on display in the museum.

More information about the museum here

Also read: the god Amun the most famous king of the pharaohs

Egyptian Sarcophagi
Egyptian Sarcophagi

The dates of visiting the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

first, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is located in Tahrir Square, Downtown, Cairo Governorate.

Second, The dates of the Egyptian Museum visit

  • Saturday: 09:00 to 17:00
  • Sunday: 9 am – 5 pm, 5:30 – 9 pm
  • Monday: 09:00 to 17:00
  • Tuesday: 09:00 to 17:00
  • Wednesday: 7:00 to 23:00
  • Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm, 5:30 – 9 pm
  • Friday: 09:00 to 16:00

Egyptian Museum tickets prices

Firstly, Egyptians 60 Egyptian pounds.
Second, For Egyptian students, 30 Egyptian pounds.
Third, foreigners, 200 Egyptian pounds.
finally, For international students, 100 Egyptian pounds.

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities
Egyptian Museum

New modifications in the Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, Khaled al Anani, affirmed what the Egyptian government was seeking.

during the past period to develop the roads leading to the museum.

Also, The entrance to the Egyptian Museum has been expanded.

The volume of road expansion in some areas reached four times, such as the Fayoum road.

A company was also contracted, to provide wonderful new services to visitors to the museum.

finally, The Egyptian Minister of Antiquities confirmed this in a previous interview.

All staff of the Egyptian Museum will be Egyptian citizens.

Also, those responsible for the museum will be Egyptians.

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