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The ancient Egyptian state underwent in its history Pharaonic rule over three eras, namely the era of the ancient, middle, and modern states, and their era began since 3200 BC and extended to 1150 BC, and during this period witnessed great development, so the Egyptians knew the hieroglyphic writing or what is known as the Holy Bible, and it was established The first capital of the country, and commercial activity between Egypt and neighboring countries was active.
The era of the Pharaohs was known as the era of the builders of the pyramid, as this era witnessed a boom in the technical, agricultural, and industrial aspects, and the ancient Egyptians were the first to enter the wild river fleet in their marine life to transport their products through it, and prosperity was not limited to these aspects only but extended throughout the ages that followed Egypt In the Pharaonic period.
It is noteworthy that the Pharaohs were the first to create a game of football, so they held competitions and matches, and whoever ends the competition by winning is imitated by two karats of gold. The pharaoh who ruled the country, Tutankhamun, is the subject of our research today.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun descended from the pharaohs of the eighteenth Egyptian family, and it is worth noting that Amoun enjoyed his wide fame and entered the lines of history after his death or during his life.

The translation of the name “Tutankhamun” from the Pharaonic language to the Egyptian dialect or the Arabic language is “the living image of the god Amoun”, and he was called the child the king due to his assumption of rule at an early age.
Tutankhamun Life
The lineage of Pharaoh Tutankhamun dates back to the pharaoh Akhenaten, and he was born in 1341 BC, and states that he took over the rule of the country since childhood after the death of his brother Smenkh Kari, and Tutankhamun married Ankh Amun, and the wisdom period witnessed many important events and who Most notably.
The Tel Amarna revolution was launched against his pharaoh Akhenaten’s father after he transferred the capital of the country to the sister of Aten in Minya, who also tried to work hard to unify the gods and collect them with one God, the god Aten, but with the advent of Tutankhamun’s era, he had allowed multiple deities and lifted the ban From other deities.
Tutankhamun Died
The pharaoh Tutankhamun died in 1323 BC and he was then about eighteen years old, and the issue of the death of God Tutankhamun raised many mysteries, especially the events that followed in that era. It raised doubts about his death by assassination and not after a satisfactory condition, especially after he presented his minister To marry Tutankhamun’s widow, install himself as a pharaoh over the country, and his minister destroys everything that proves the existence of Tutankhamun and his rule on the country.
Studies have attempted to establish the main cause of death of Tutankhamun’s death, but there is still confusion in the matter, where his body was subjected to a 3D computer tomography, so the imaging confirmed the absence of a criminal suspicion in his death and the hole in the skull of Tutankhamun did not arise after a blow he received on The head region.
But this hole was created in the head after his death to complete the process of embalming his body, and the Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawas, the supervisor of this study, speculated that the cause of his death might be due to a fracture in the left thigh region that might have caused his death after his inflammation.
According to a recent study and analysis submitted to the mummy of Tutankhamun, there is a possibility that Pharaoh was infected with Marvat syndrome, and this expectation came after it was revealed that the bone of the roof of the oral cavity had not been completed, due to the presence of deformation in the head region, since the length of his skull was not Naturally, Tutankhamun is tall with a length of about one hundred and seventy centimeters.
The stories differed in successive studies conducted on the mummy of Tutankhamun. In a joint study between the universities of Liverpool and Michigan, its final reports showed that after using X-rays on the mummy of Tutankhamun there was a drop of blood and its medical explanation is that the brain was exposed to a bloody hemorrhage.
See also: King Tut and the most important secrets in his life
Tutankhamun Tomb
Archaeologists continued to excavate the graves until in 1922 the tomb of the Pharaoh of Egypt, Tutankhamun, was surrounded by walls painted with wonderful drawings that narrate the story of a traveler to his last resting place, and the wooden box that kept his body was engraved with gold and inside it another box decorated with inscriptions Beautifully inlaid with gold, that was three coffins intertwined inside each other.

An archaeologist, while continuing to excavate the graves, reached a stone sarcophagus that had been covered by a thick layer of carved stone in the form of a statue of Tutankhamun, and after it was raised a golden ark appeared in the form of a body or statue of Tutankhamun’s body, and it was difficult for the world to free the statue from the shroud The golden shroud was cut into two parts to reach the mummy of Tutankhamun, and it was wrapped in silk.
After removing the layers of silk, his ornament, which he was wearing, was revealed, such as gold necklaces, rings, crown, and stick made of pure gold, and his skull was separated from his body to remove this ornament from his body, and it spread Legendary ages The curse of the Pharaohs, which is closely related to the tomb of Tutankhamun and has been used extensively in Egyptian films, cinemas, films, and video games, has made the death of Tutankhamun a mystery throughout the ages.
Tutankhamun of Treasures
The importance of the treasures of Tutankhamun is due to several reasons:
- His treasure is one of the most complete royal treasures that have been found due to its existence of three hundred and fifty-eight gold pieces, including a gold mask and golden coffins.
- The importance of golden luggage and treasures dates back to the most prosperous and prosperous times of the modern Pharaonic state.
- The treasures revealed the extent of the king’s interest during his life in hunting.
The Curse
The curse is defined as the revenge of the sun god who assaults any mummy-like someone who plundered his money or ruined his grave and harmed him or took him out of his grave, where the curse on this aggressor and his inheritance perish in his life and his children do not inherit his property, and his soul will perish forever.
It is the promise of death for those who attack or disturb The kings of the pharaohs in their graves and tombs, it is worth noting that all that is mentioned are nothing more than myths and legends, and some British newspapers have tried to investigate the cause of the death of the British archaeologist who discovered and exposed him that the cause of his death after several months is solutions to the curse of the pharaohs, In fact, his death was due to poisoning of his father After being bitten by a bug in the cheek.